

Five Reasons To Stop Using Watermarks


Watermarks have been around since photography has existed, and with an excellent reason. Watermarks are a way for images to be shielded from being used without permission , and they also let you track how images are used. There are other ways to protect and track your photos in the digital age. We'll be discussing five reasons that watermarks shouldn't be included in photographs.

Distracts from the image

If you are using watermarks, it is important to be careful that your watermark doesn't distract from the picture. The goal is to create an appealing and clear watermark that doesn't make the image appear crowded. The ideal watermark will be relatively tiny and placed along the edge of the image or within a small border, which does not draw the viewer's attention. Keep in mind that your watermark should be monochromatic, and not have excessive colors. A large watermark with a lot of colors could ruin your image.

Consider why you are using a watermark before creating one. Common reasons include to avoid piracy, look professional, or increase your advertising revenue. No matter your reason following these guidelines can help you design stunning watermarks that do not interfere with your photography. Images with watermarks could cause frustration and stress. These marks can be left behind when images are taken and scanned different ways. You should prepare these leftovers ahead of time if you would like to removing watermark from images.

This makes a photo appear unprofessional

The poor lighting and grainy photos are not just unprofessional, but also annoying. This is typically caused by an absence of lighting. It gives off a unprofessional and dark vibe. Avoid taking photos in low light conditions if at all possible. Also, avoid cutting or resizing pixilated images. This makes it difficult for others to view your face.

Can be cropped out by content thieves

Watermarks are tiny semi-transparent logo that marks the origin of an asset. For instance, if you upload a photo from Shutterstock You must add a watermark to ensure that no one else can use the image for commercial purposes. The watermark does not have to be placed in the corner of an image. This allows thieves to reduce the size of the image, without affecting its quality.

Watermarks should not be too large or small. Large watermarks could interfere with the image smaller watermarks can make it difficult for viewers to recognize. It is simple to crop or remove the watermark to a smaller size. It's an effective method to deter users who are not reputable using your photos.

The degradation of the photos can impact the quality of the photo

When using watermarks on your photos to secure them, there are numerous factors you should consider. One of the main factors to consider is whether the watermark is visible or not. This is an important issue since if a watermark isn't visible, it won't be able to be detected. Image quality is a key aspect of copyright protection and watermarks that are not visible can result in a decline in the image's quality.

It interferes with Capture

Watermarks can cause issues with the capture. If you put the watermark on your photo this could cause the image to be obscured or make it difficult to capture good photos. This is particularly true in cases where the watermark blocks essential elements like faces.


Watermarks are an excellent way to protect your photographs from theft. However, be aware of the potential pitfalls of using watermarks, such as decreased image quality or interference with capture.

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